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Sunday, 2 October 2011

Moon Calendar

The oldest calendars in the world are all mooncalendars. Archeologists found carved bones dating back early as 11000 years B.C. (see the book Calendar). At present the Hindu, Chinese and Jewish people have so-called luni-solar calendars which are leaped calendars that remind one of the moonorder of the old Babylonians. Every 3-4 years a month is added to stay in line with the seasons according certain mathematical rules to cycles of time. Next to that do the Muslims have a purely lunar calendar which once in the 32 years is realigning with the solar calendar.
The Roman Empire before the julian reform of 45 B.C. also had a lunar calendar. Because it was subject to political/religious manipulation it was at the time abolished by Julius Caesar. But still our present gregorian calendar shows the signs of the old times: December is derived from the roman word for ten, meaning the tenth month. There were originally no more than ten lunar month's on our calendar which began 753 years B.C. at the Foundation of Rome (Ab Urbe Condita) A.U.C.

At present our culture has little or no respect for the position of the moon and its phases. Still we have a long history of fighting with cultures who managed lunar calendars. Today we can no longer say that they are primitive or only religious. Half the world swears by them and they are just as valid as our monthly divisions to the sun. The fact that we corrupted as Romans of the old days does not mean that other cultures would be equally corrupt. Scientifically one can say that the rhythm of the moon itself is a valid reference for civil time-management. It is the leaping or not with a lunar month about which the lunar cultures themselves do not agree that is the issue of discussion. Such leaping according a fixed rule stays a more or less arbitrary form of timemanagement and is thus either politically or religiously colored by dogma and valuing. This we cannot consider here without taking sides and betraying a possible world order that does not bear this kind of dissent.
Therefore at these pages the lunar order is presented as-it-is: naked moonphases with no delineation of a yearcount. It is simply an alternative way of dividing the days on the calendar. To the full concept of order (see Full Calendar of Order) which in its scientific foundation cannot subscribe to political and religious arbitrariness we have to disconsider yearcounts to years that are not objectively defined and weekorders that do not align with natural phenomena, as one would with leaping with a day in stead of a leaped month, Thus the endresult is a lunar order running right through the logical and historically, also on the moon founded, cakra division of 48 weeks in a solar tropical year. That cakradivision (to the vedic word cakra: disc) of a solar tropical year is a division that can easily be obtained from transposing the moonschedule of four phases in a moon-lunation-,- see next page- to the solar year. This second moondivision is in accord with as well the vedic literature as with the reformed roman order, the so-called julian order, the way it was settled by Julius Caesar.
In sum: we have a transposed lunar calendar and an untransposed one. The first we call Cakra to the oldest vedic concept of time-management discussed at the Order of The Sun-pages and the second we call Fasti to the old roman indication of signal-days with which the mooncalendar originally, that is to say before Julius Caesar, had settled the classical holidays of legal and commercial arrest. The fact that the old roman calendar had a lot of different calculations to different types of management to that one calendar does not keep us from using that same calendar for a new 'reformed', that is rationalized and counterbalanced ( by the cakra-solar order) complete of a better scientific respect than we ever had before: simple moonphases according astronomical data, that are and are not transposed to the solar year.

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