Book of Shadows is a secret book that is known to be filled with mysterious spells and incantations. However, this thought only exists in television series and movies. With this, most witches who are new to the craft are becoming disappointed at this point because they would think that there are such books available for purchase. Nevertheless, this is not just the case. Back at the past, the fear of being discovered was at its peak that any secrets and wisdom handed down were performed so verbally; not to mention that the capability in reading and writing were given mostly to the wealthy.
Generally, the Book of Shadows is a witchcraft book that serves two main purposes. The first purpose serves as a witchcraft book that serves as a reference guide of all sorts. This could be a place where one keeps tables and correspondences, rituals and spells that one would like to try. On the other hand, the purpose is more personal. In this aspect, one would keep track of dreams, spells, rituals, and personal readings. Therefore, it is a more magical journal than an ordinary workbook. This is the common purpose of Book of Shadows as a witchcraft book.
Since the purpose of the book is already known, one can now decide what he needs to make most out of it. There are blank books available for purchase in the market, which are pleasingly decorated on its outside design, but only few of them utilize the option to add or remove pages. These books are available, but they are quite expensive. Nevertheless, the cheapest ones are those normal three-ringed binders. This will not only assist in adding or removing pages quite nicely, but it can also let the emotion go crazy when decorating the outside design.
When it comes to the inside design, it will take a little more thought. When one prefers to keep the handmade design on the book, he should utilize handwriting on the pages. However, one should not go overboard on the script. Remember that one should utilize the witchcraft book by candle light at certain times in order for one to make sure that the lettering of the handwriting is quite large and clear enough for one to make out. On the other hand, if one prefers to use the computer, he can type out the pages of the witchcraft book and print them. Also, one could bypass the idea of the whole book completely by keeping the information stored in a disc or CD.
In the end, the main point to remember is that one should reflect his personality as a spiritual being and who would want one to be become when creating the book of shadows or any other witchcraft books. When you plan to start writing a book and you are not happy with it, you can start over. Never be discouraged when it didn’t turn out great the first time. There are a lot of witchcraft books online, written by various individuals of all traditions
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