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Saturday, 8 October 2011

The aliens have landed: Amazing footage shows 'little green men walking about after UFO touchdown'... but why does it always happen in Siberia?

They're here: In this still from the film clip, an object which appears to be disc-shaped with flashing lights hovers above the Siberia landscape

They're here: In this still from the film clip, an object which appears to be disc-shaped with flashing lights hovers above the Siberia landscape

For an alien looking to explore Earth, the frozen wastes of Siberia may not be the most attractive of landing locations.
But if this film footage is to be believed, that's exactly where these 'little green men' chose to land their UFO.
The clip, filmed in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia, appears to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.  

Students Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, have admitted their 'find' of an alien in the Siberian woods was just a stunt

Students Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, have admitted their 'find' of an alien in the Siberian woods was just a stunt

Scroll down to watch the video
Proof at last? This screen grab shows an apparent UFO on the ground with what appears to be an unearthly being to its right and four other beings directly in front of the glowing craft
Proof at last? This screen grab shows an apparent UFO on the ground with what appears to be an unearthly being to its right and four other beings directly in front of the glowing craft 

It shows what seems to be an alien about four feet tall, standing 15 feet away from its glowing craft, with four other similar figures nearby.
The short clip was taken two days after mysterious lights illuminated the Siberian night skies above Bayanday, also in Irkutsk.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Making a Witchcraft Book:Book of Shadows

Book of Shadows is a secret book that is known to be filled with mysterious spells and incantations. However, this thought only exists in television series and movies. With this, most witches who are new to the craft are becoming disappointed at this point because they would think that there are such books available for purchase. Nevertheless, this is not just the case. Back at the past, the fear of being discovered was at its peak that any secrets and wisdom handed down were performed so verbally; not to mention that the capability in reading and writing were given mostly to the wealthy.
Generally, the Book of Shadows is a witchcraft book that serves two main purposes. The first purpose serves as a witchcraft book that serves as a reference guide of all sorts. This could be a place where one keeps tables and correspondences, rituals and spells that one would like to try. On the other hand, the purpose is more personal. In this aspect, one would keep track of dreams, spells, rituals, and personal readings. Therefore, it is a more magical journal than an ordinary workbook. This is the common purpose of Book of Shadows as a witchcraft book.


There is nothing “paranormal” in the Universe, except our limited understanding of Nature. What we think we “know” on Earth now is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge.

In the distant past, people admired things they could not explain and called them “miracles”. Long ago, people were able to see Auras. Advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ and their immediate students were painted with golden haloes around their heads, because some artists could actually see Auras. In Australia remote West Kimberleys you can find prehistoric cave paintings (bottom left), many thousands of years old, depicting people with golden haloes. (photo courtesy G.L.Walsh) Nature gave us ALL we need to see Auras. All is required is the knowledge how to use your senses together with your conscious effort. If you decide not to try, you will NEVER see the Aura. On the other hand, when you SEE something for yourself, no longer will you need to rely on believing someone. You will KNOW. And you can use your knowledge to learn more.


  How to practice astral travel and telepathy. Dream control.

Material technology, without spiritual knowledge, is leading us to a global catastrophe on Earth. Technology should ASSIST in the spiritual development and not be used (as it is used now) to confine and enslave people within a monetary system and materialistic world, which are both temporary anyway.

The danger does NOT lie in the death of the physical body, as millions believe: the danger exists in the WAY in which one LIVES. There is nothing in the Universe to be afraid of, except our own ignorance and its consequences. We live on Earth to develop our consciousness, awareness and understanding of the specific aspects of laws of Nature and the Universe. What we think we “know” on Earth is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge.

Moon Calendar

The oldest calendars in the world are all mooncalendars. Archeologists found carved bones dating back early as 11000 years B.C. (see the book Calendar). At present the Hindu, Chinese and Jewish people have so-called luni-solar calendars which are leaped calendars that remind one of the moonorder of the old Babylonians. Every 3-4 years a month is added to stay in line with the seasons according certain mathematical rules to cycles of time. Next to that do the Muslims have a purely lunar calendar which once in the 32 years is realigning with the solar calendar.
The Roman Empire before the julian reform of 45 B.C. also had a lunar calendar. Because it was subject to political/religious manipulation it was at the time abolished by Julius Caesar. But still our present gregorian calendar shows the signs of the old times: December is derived from the roman word for ten, meaning the tenth month. There were originally no more than ten lunar month's on our calendar which began 753 years B.C. at the Foundation of Rome (Ab Urbe Condita) A.U.C.