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Saturday, 27 August 2011


The lotus flower symbol has deep, mythic meaning for many cultures.
The lotus blossom has been revered, attributed to deities, and meditated on for thousands of years.
The mystical lotus bloom appears in poetry, the writings of saints and sages, on temple walls, and as a central concept in several world religions.
What is it about this flower, above all others, that causes so many to color it with spiritual signifigance?

Fascination with the lotus blossom can be traced back to ancient Egypt, India and Asia, appearing in the mythologies and religions of these cultures for thousands of years


The lotus is associated with creation, the afterlife, enlightenment, fertility and sensuality, purity, and health. Many cultures ascribe different virtues to the different colors of the blooms as well as the quantity of petals on the bloom.
The lotus is also associated with the 7 chakras, Buddhism, Hinduism, Bahai, and Egyptian mythos.
Within Hinduism and Buddhism the lotus flower represents awakening to spiritual consciousness.
In Indian culture, the Lotus flower represents enlightenment, wealth, knowledge, and connection to the divine. It is associated with the goddess of wealth, Maha Lakshmi, who represents purity, prosperity and generosity. She sits on a fully blossomed lotus flower.
In Egypt the Lotus flower is called Sesen. In Egyptian mythology, the lotus flower is a symbol of the sun, creation and rebirth.
It is even mentioned briefly in the Islamic tradition, that if a person dies in a state of ihram (a purification period before embarking on a pilgrimage) that they should be washed in water that has been perfumed with lotus flowers.
With such widespread interest and spiritual signifigance attributed to the lotus, it deserves a deeper look into the symbolism surrounding it.


The lotus flower symbol was revered by ancient Egyptians. Lotus flowers sink into water at night and emerge again in the mornings. This singular trait closely associated them with creation, renewal and rebirth

The Egyptian deity Nefertem was the god most closely associated with the lotus flower symbol.
The legend of Nefertem and the blue lotus has deep underlying meanings to it. According to the legend, at the time of creation a lotus flower rose from the water. As the sun reached the bloom it slowly opened its petals, revealing Khepri (a sacred sacarb) inside.
Khepri transformed into a young boy (the diety Nefertem). As Nefertem sat within the lotus weeping, his tears fell and created humanity.
The hieroglyph shown to the left is a depiction of Nefertem with a blue lotus flower carved over his head.

Three colors of lotus blossoms grow in Egypt; white, blue and pink. The blue lotus had particular signifigance for them.
It is the blue lotus that you will find carved into temples, heiroglyphics, utensils and spoken of in stories.
The blue lotus (pictured to the right) grew copiously along the banks of the Nile. It was used as a food source, a fragrance, and as a healing tonic.
Research into the blue lotus is now showing that it has psychotropic effects and may have produced a sense of euphoria in those who ingested it. It's ability to affect the mood of those who consumed it is most likely one of the reasons it was so revered by the Egyptian culture.


In this ancient egyptian art carving, Hert-watet-khet is shown smelling a blue lotus flower. Lotus blossoms were handed out at parties, smelled for their aroma, turned into perfume and ingested for food and healing properties.
It was believed that the blue lotus had strong aphrodesiac qualities, and women were gifted with the blue lotus by their suitors.
The Egyptian blue lotus flower is not a true lotus. It is from the water lily family, and as such has properties not found in other lotuses. The Egyptian blue water lily rises above the water in the morning and sinks back under during the night. True lotuses rise from the water once and stay above it until they are done blooming. A lotus also has a large flat seed pod in it's center, where a lily does not.
The differences between the two flowers is contested by botanists, but most people are content to enjoy the beauty and mystical nature of these lotus flowers regardless of whether they are a "true lotus" in the world of botany.

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